David Reece, criminal defence lawyer
My background
Born and raised in Auckland, I attended Auckland Grammar School and received my Bachelor of Laws degree from Auckland University in 1980. Since my admission to the Bar in 1981, I have worked in all areas of criminal law — including New Zealand’s first slavery case in the early 90s — in both New Zealand and the United Kingdom. As lead counsel, I have completed more than 200 District and High jury trials and accumulated an outstanding acquittal rate.
A couple of recent successes include achieving:
- an acquittal for a client facing 12 – 15 years’ jail for importing class-A drugs
- an acquittal for a client facing 15 years for 15 counts of sexual violation.
A pragmatic & ethical approach
During my lengthy career spanning 38 years I have enjoyed the respect nationwide of District and High Court judges, my esteemed colleagues at the criminal bar and numerous prosecutors from both the police and the Crown.
If you have been charged with a serious crime it is essential that your lawyer has extensive experience in dealing with serious and powerful adversaries like the NZ Police and the Crown. I have that “time in the middle experience” that you are looking for and which will benefit you greatly.
As a criminal defence lawyer, I am tenacious, a stickler for detail and always well prepared. Perhaps my greatest skill is cross-examination, which I’ve learned is the key to success in jury trials. I’m also a strong communicator and don’t mince words. Why waste your time and money? So, if you ask me whether you have a defence, I’ll tell you “yes” or “no.” As simple as that.
I have been around the block a few times now and my extensive experience in the criminal law and the world in general can only benefit you when you are a faced with the task of defending a serious criminal charge against the might and extensive resources of the Crown and the NZ Police.
My fees
I can charge an hourly fee for time working on your case.
I can negotiate a rate based on the details and complexity of your case.
Legal aid
I am an approved Criminal Legal Aid Provider (criminal PAL 1-4) District Court, High Court and Court of Appeal.
How I can work for you
If you, a family member or friend are in trouble, it is essential to obtain legal advice at the earliest opportunity.
Fast response
If you require a criminal defence lawyer urgently, I can appear for you on short notice.
New Zealand wide
By arrangement, I can appear for you at any District or High Court throughout the country.
Legal support
I can accompany you at any police or border control interview.
On your behalf, I can endeavour to arrange bail or electronically monitored bail terms for you at the District Court or High Court.
Should your matter go to trial, I can provide you with a committed and vigorous defence.
I can advise you to ensure you stay out of the media spotlight.
Legal aid
As a Listed Service Provider with the New Zealand Justice Department, I can take legal aid cases for all District, High Court and Court of Appeal matters.
Other specialists
I can provide well qualified criminal law professionals regarding private investigations, trial preparation and forensic and Appellate Court research. My association with The Forensic Group, Mike Campbell and Scott Clark (see below) has led to many excellent outcomes for my clients.
Associations & Memberships
Michael John Campbell
Licensed Private Investigator
Mike has worked with me very successfully over the last 12 years. His professional investigative approach has led to the acquittal of numerous clients facing serious criminal charges His expertise can benefit you.
A consummate professional with over 49 years investigative experience and proven performance across a broad range of criminal investigations, he has practised as a Licensed Private Investigator for the past 37 years.
His experience as a former Senior Police Officer in the Criminal Investigation Branch and the serious and high profile criminal cases he has been involved in during his Private Investigation career, has provided him with the skills to conduct expert reliable investigations for Defence Barristers like myself.
Scott Clark LLB/BA
Barrister and Solicitor
Over the last 7 years Scott has provided me with invaluable legal research and advice which has benefited my numerous clients greatly.
Admitted to the Independent Bar in 2010. He specialises in criminal law covering the entire spectrum – from traffic offences and limited licences to drug offending, sexual offending, manslaughter, and murder.